PEOPLE LIVING A FAKE LIFE: They Your Friends, Know Them.

People living a fake life is like someone wearing a mask. They are one thing outside and something else inside. They portray a certain kind of lifestyle that is not true with their real personality. They make you feel they are who you think they are, even when they are far fetched from what they claim. I wonder why would anybody would want to live a life like that. Funny enough, there are people who enjoy living that kind of life. I mean, it makes their day any time any day. And i don't think there is anything bad in calling people like that fraudsters. If i may ask, who is a fraudster? No time for too much grammar: they are deceivers. They make a living by deceiving people their hard earned goodies. Is that far from what people living a fake life do? No. It is obvious they do same. Every of their action is a lie.

You may ask, what am i trying to pass in writing this post? Simple, it hurts me seeing people living this way and those who get hurt by people living like that. And to those living like that, i know what they get at the end; is not pleasant at all. We all know where fraudsters end when they get caught, prison. So i will be sharing characteristics of people living a fake life so you will be careful in dealing with them. Equally, i will be sharing what they intend to lose. So if you are living a fake life and reading this post; please learn and change, Am not trying to shame you. In fact, is because of you i wrote this post, for you to see the damage you are causing on people and yourself


(1) THEY WILL MAKE YOU BELIEVE THEY ARE YOUR BEST FRIEND. When you see them act like this, it becomes so hard to decode them. They initially would want to buy your heart, so they don't come open with their real color. They begin to show only when they thought they have won your heart.

(2) THEY BRAG TOO MUCH ABOUT WHAT THEY HAVE. Another name you can call they is, braggers. They brag a lot, even when they don't have those things they brag about. They know those things that are cheap and costly.

(3) THEY CONDEMN A LOT. This is so real about them. They only see themselves as the best; where the best.

(4) THEY BORROW VERY WELL. This one, it's stylishly done. They will borrow your clothes, bags, shoes etc. And they hardly return what they borrow.

(5) THEY EASILY GET OFFENDED WHEN YOU DON'T SUPPORT THEY. They are the ones to know when you are breaking friends rules. Especially if they come to borrow from you and you refuse them, you are an enemy.

(6) ALWAYS AN INTENTION TO DECEIVE YOU. If they don't get what they ask from you, they intend to trick you to get it. They can go any length to get their fake standard.

(7) THEY ARE SOCIAL MEDIA FREAK. This is so certain. Posting of pictures of new clothes, bags, cars, house, and so on.

There is no two ways about it, they always get caught. And when they are caught, it's such a shame. Everything they acquired through so a means, they lose it. Imagine a girl posting pictures of peoples cars and clothes. When people get to know those things doesn't belong to her, they run away. So what do you intend to lose:
1. Friends.
2. Family (Yes family too).
3. Lose trust and loyalty
4. Money.
5. Name ( Nobody wants to deal with a fraudster).

They are so many of its consequences to whoever that live such a life. I would advice that we should be contented with who we are, have, and have not. Such a life closes a lots f doors like: favor, connection, promotion, name them. If you must know, it makes you a cheap person, empty and nothing.
I hope this post is an eye opener and a blessing.

Please do leave a comment so as to know what you want. Thank You.


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